March 2022
February 2022
January 2022
IusNet: From personal relationships with an intending parent to “remembrance contact” with a divorced parent: reflections on the good and the voice of the child in the presence of conflicting parental relationships.
IusNet: From personal relationships with an intending parent to "remembrance contact" with a divorced parent: reflections on the good and the voice of the child in the presence of conflicting parental relationships. Anne [...]
Iusnet: End of the percentage method and the “Zürcher Tabelles”: The Federal Court sets out a concrete method for the whole of Switzerland for determining the maintenance of minor children.
Iusnet: End of the percentage method and the "Zürcher Tabelles": The Federal Court sets out a concrete method for the whole of Switzerland for determining the maintenance of minor children. Explanations of Anne [...]
Iusnet: Withdrawal from custody of a nasciturus and new facts in front of the Federal Court
Iusnet: Withdrawal from custody of a nasciturus and new facts in front of the Federal Court When parents are so inadequate that their children, even those not born yet, need to be protected from [...]
IusNet: Displacement of the habitual residence of children from recomposed families: advocacy for necessary proced-ural reform
IusNet: Displacement of the habitual residence of children from recomposed families: advocacy for necessary proced-ural reform Commentary by Anne Reiser. GET THE PDF Published in: [...]
Le Temps: The best law firms in Switzerland in 2021
Le Temps: The best law firms in Switzerland in 2021 Ranking of the best law firms in 2021 in Switzerland. READ THE ARTICLE Published in: [...]
Update on maintenance contributions
Update on maintenance contributions Johanna Commenge welcomes Anne Reiser, lawyer specialized in family law. REPLAY Published in:
What happened to the presumption of innocence?
What happened to the presumption of innocence? Anne Reiser comments on the presumption of innocence in Jonas Follonier's article. READ THE ARTICLE Published in: [...]
The second wave is putting Geneva’s couples at risk
The second wave is putting Geneva's couples at risk Family therapists are inundated. The cause is long-lasting restrictions that complicate life together. GET THE PDF Published in: [...]
7th International Conference organised by the Inter-faculty Centre for Children’s Rights, the Internal Institute for Children’s Rights, the School of Social Work/Valais (HES-SO/Valais-Wallis), the Youth Cantonal Service of the Canton of Valais and the Valais School of Teacher Education, on the theme “New forms of parenting: sharing time…..and the child?”
7th International Conference organised by the Inter-faculty Centre for Children’s Rights, the Internal Institute for Children’s Rights, the School of Social Work/Valais (HES-SO/Valais-Wallis), the Youth Cantonal Service of the Canton of Valais and the [...]
How can family ties be preserved after break-ups in order to protect the children?
How can family ties be preserved after break-ups in order to protect the children? Title: “How can family ties be preserved after break-ups in order to protect the children?”, When? January 27th 2016; [...]
“Cross-border child protection: legal and social perspectives”, organised by the International Social Service, the Hague Conference on Private International Law and the University of Geneva
"Cross-border child protection: legal and social perspectives", organised by the International Social Service, the Hague Conference on Private International Law and the University of Geneva Title: “The relevance of the 1996 Hague Convention [...]
Difficulties in executing the Order on personal relations by the Swiss Association of Professional Carers in collaboration with the Conference on the Protection of Minors and Adults (COPMA) concerning “Child protection and personal relations – Challenges of guaranteeing the well-being of the child”
Difficulties in executing the Order on personal relations by the Swiss Association of Professional Carers in collaboration with the Conference on the Protection of Minors and Adults (COPMA) concerning “Child protection and personal relations [...]
IusNet: Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements: instructions for use
IusNet: Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements: instructions for use Title: "Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements: instructions for use", Published in: IusNet Civil Law, Publication date: 28 October 2019. GET THE PDF [...]
General Meeting of the FCT (Fondation Collective Trianon)
General Meeting of the FCT (Fondation Collective Trianon) Title: Speech on the theme “Family and Pension Schemes, are they compatible?” When? September 12th 2019, 9:00 ; Where? Musée Olympique in Lausanne. READ MORE [...]
IusNet: Ad Litem Provision in the Federal Court, really?
IusNet: Ad Litem Provision in the Federal Court, really? Title: “Ad litem Provision in the Federal Court, really?” Published in: IusNet Civil Law. Date of publication: May 27th 2019. GET THE PDF [...]
AIFI Conference (AIFI – The International French-speaking Association of Professionals working with Separated Families)
AIFI Conference (AIFI - The International French-speaking Association of Professionals working with Separated Families) Title: Conference on the theme “We’re separating…have we separated?” - Workshop on the theme “Investing in a desirable future [...]
IusNet: Reflections on sharing the costs of child support proceedings between parents, in the wake of FC Ruling 4A_479/2018 of 26 February 2019
IusNet: Reflections on sharing the costs of child support proceedings between parents, in the wake of FC Ruling 4A_479/2018 of 26 February 2019 Title: "Reflections on sharing the costs of child support proceedings [...]
IusNet: Reflections on the trials induced by Art. 276a of the Civil Code [CC]: Commentary on FC rulings TF 5A_553/2018 and 5A_554/2018 of October 2nd 2018
IusNet: Reflections on the trials induced by Art. 276a of the Civil Code [CC]: Commentary on FC rulings TF 5A_553/2018 and 5A_554/2018 of October 2nd 2018 Title: "Reflections on the trials induced by [...]
IusNet: The Federal Court rectifies the legislator’s failure to enact temporary provisions under Art. 64 par. 1bis LDIP, commentary on FC ruling TF 5A_841/2017 of December 18th 2018
IusNet: The Federal Court rectifies the legislator’s failure to enact temporary provisions under Art. 64 par. 1bis LDIP, commentary on FC ruling TF 5A_841/2017 of December 18th 2018 Title: "The Federal Court rectifies [...]
Selected Case Law in Family Law
Selected Case Law in Family Law Title: "Selected case law in family law", Magazine: Plaidoyer - Lausanne Publication date: January 31st 2019. GET THE PDF Published by: [...]